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Idaho Citizens Say Die Hard is a Christmas Movie

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Boise, ID – The citizens of Idaho really love Die Hard. They also really love Christmas. Because of this Idaho recently passed Initiative 1988-DH that made Idaho the first state in the nation to recognize Die Hard as a Christmas movie. 100% voted in favor of the initiative.

“It’s a violent Christmas movie full of filthy language that the whole family can enjoy,” said initiative sponsor Lad Biggle. “ That’s why we love the movie so much. Thank you citizens of Idaho!”

The 1988 movie starring Bruce Willis has long been debated as to whether it should be classified as a Christmas movie or not. Biggle says there is no debate on the issue.

“So we currently have these two popular movies everyone watches at Christmas, The Sound of Music and It’s A Wonderful Life. Let’s take the first one. How is Sound of Music even considered a Christmas movie? There’s not one scene in the film dealing with Christmas. Not one mention of it. No snow. Yet it’s a considered a Christmas movie? No way,” said Biggle .

“Now take It’s A Wonderful Life. There’s some snow and a few seconds of Christmas at the end. But that’s it. Otherwise it’s just some bitter, suicidal dad running around town complaining about stuff, who hates his wife and children. Not a Christmas movie.”

Biggle continued: “Now let’s talk about Die Hard. You got a dad trying to get home to his family for Christmas. They’re at the Nakatomi Christmas party. Hans Gruber is basically the Grinch. You have one the terrorists improvising on the Twas the Night Before Christmas poem. There’s a dead terrorist wearing a Santa hat with “Now I have a machine gun, ho-ho-ho” written on his shirt. Christmas music is playing throughout the movie. There’s snow at the end. Should I go on?”

After hearing Biggle’s arguments, local TV station KNIN has decided to show Die Hard on repeat all Christmas day unedited.

“Finally my dreams have come true. Idaho will be the first in the nation to recognize Die Hard as an official Christmas movie. I believe one day all of America will do the same and TNT will play it over and over again instead of A Christmas Story” said Biggle . “Yippee-ki-yay and merry Christmas, m-fers!”

[Photo credit: 20th Century Fox]

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