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Seattle Passes Carbon Emissions Tax On Netflix; Bans Anti-Communist Movies

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Seattle, WA – Seattle has passed the nation’s first tax on Netflix to specifically tackle climate change.

It has been reported that due to the energy used by data centers and network infrastructure required for streaming services, online entertainment has contributed to global warming and climate change. Netflix is the biggest offender of this growing problem.

Seattle Council member Kshama Sawant sees this as an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: provide a new revenue stream for the city, and save the environment. “Netflix is a criminal corporation that not only needs to pay its fair share, but also needs to stop its massive contribution to global warming, climate change, climate crisis, global heating, climate emergency, climate anxiety, climate depression, global hotness or whatever you choose to call it. We’re going to do the same thing to Netflix that we did to Amazon,” said Sawant. “It’s only fair.”

According to Sawant, a Netflix membership tax will be imposed on the company, charging  $99.67 per month for each subscription. $98.68 will go to manage the tax and $0.99 will go to plant some trees and a flower somewhere.

Council member Lisa Herbold went even further. “To help reduce carbon emissions in Seattle, I’m suggesting today that we censor what is viewable to our residents. I believe we need to not show any movies and shows that depict Communists in a bad light,” said Herbold. “So movies like ‘Rambo’, ‘Red Dawn’, and ‘The Little Mermaid’ are immediately banned in Seattle. ‘The Americans’ can stay, I suppose, because they kind of made the comrade spies likeable and relatable. Touching and beautiful, really.”

Local residents weren’t too happy hearing the news. Jeremy Dundy thought the tax was too much. “I’m all for taxes, especially on the rich and overtly beautiful, but this affects me personally now. I mean, I pay about 12 bucks per month and the tax is almost one hundred dollars? You know Netflix will just pass along that cost to me,” complained Dundy. “That seems wrong. Taxes are wrong. I think I’m about to go all MAGA now, it’s that bad. First, ‘Friends’ went away and now this. Bummed.”

The new tax goes into effect next month.

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